Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Drunk again or drunk still

Today is Wednesday July 1st.  Happy Canada Day to our North American Friends (I so Parisian, oui, oui, c'est bon, c'est bon!).  In proud Canadian tradition, Frank has hung our country's flag proudly from our window.  He  is also wearing his funky little flag socks!  We did up our first full night in Paris by drinking a bottle of Smirnoff Ice (750mls), 6-pack of beer and three bottles of red wine - this morning was a tad slow....  All I could do to eat my breakfast this morning.  Oye!  As for our little friend, Petit Guy, I think this picture speaks volumes and let's you know that if you drink too much, you may chose to sleep off last night's party and miss out on life's adventure.

So, for today's adventure, we wandered on to the Metro trains to head to the Musee de O'rsay, but note, the Skytrain is a beautiful thing, this one is rickety and rumbles along. We had to go down 138 stairs down a winding hallway (to the bowles of hell), to board the train.  The Parisians, they got a thing for stairs, smoking everywhere, drinking coke-a-cola and not having cream or butter.  

The Musee d'Orsay - magnifique! incedible! unbelievable!  We saw the original works of Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, Manet, Cezanne, Toulouse Lautrec and the surprise appearance of Whistler' Mother by James Whistler himself!  (Note to Susan - we saw Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, so sister I had that song in my head for the rest of the day). We spent 4 hours looking at all we could and it was mind blowing - even the building was... how you say... over the top.  I think we took at least 50 pictures of this journey, between 2 cameras.  Prepare for the slideshow...

We were able to find a "pharmacy" today to purchase new glasses for Frank. He is looking rather Parisian, all stylish and what not now.  I spend most of my time people watching, some of the outfit that pass us by - whoa.  When they are dressed, it is impeccable.  And the men, gosh it is getting hot in here.  Not many dogs around, but when you do see them, they are sitting at their master's feet - IN THE CAFE'S!

So, Petit Guy, as an FYI, we did have him dressed in a party outfit but thought that he would be a little embarrassed!  Again the ramifications of too much alcohol.  What a booze bird.

Ta for now. Tommorow's event is the Notre Dame and the Louvre.  Let's see if Petit Guy can roust himself for this.  F&LL

1 comment:

  1. Hi Frank and Lea

    Just found your blog for your trip. Good to see that you are holding up the Canadian tradition of partying till dawn sleeping till noon and misplacing such items as glasses and keys. (oh yeah you didn't loose your keys lol) Oh oh....., gotta run, so have a great time and we will be looking forward to your posts. ttyl

    Smiles :o)


    ps Love the little guy and looking forward to seeing him in lots and lots of pics.
